UU councils are based off the idea that we can learn more by sharing our questions than seeking answers sometimes.

UU Councils: General Info

The UU councils are essential for our governance and operations. The UUA Each of the councils oversees various areas of church activity. Councils can overlap, and together they drive the direction of the church. Each council is managed by congregants and friends who sign up to be members. Several tasks fall under each council, and they meet at least once per month to prioritize tasks and organize projects.

Work being done by the councils helps us hold to our mission and vision. We regularly coordinate a shared calendar, and when choosing goals, the following questions are asked: What do we have to do? What do we have the energy to do? How will we do it?

Bis-Man UU Councils Today

In order for the church to be successful and able to fulfill the priorities set forth by the congregation, it is imperative that all congregants and friends join a council and take part in the important work being done. The following links take you to pages explaining more about each council.

Council Structure

Community Council

Growing and Deepening Council

Infrastructure Council

Justice Council

Coordinating Council